On this page you will find a schedule for the Solfege B course. It contains information about the course in weekorder and has links to the information that is on the onedrive (harddrive) of the Hanze University. When clicking on the weeklinks below you will enter these weekfolders.  Your hanze mail is needed to get in. Under the link to the weekfolder for solfege A/B there's a reference to the Theory B course (By the famous Kurt Weiss). Some topics of this course will be integrated in the Solfege A/B lessons.


The weekfolders: In the weekfolders you will find a lot of material. The Solfege A folder is specific for Solfege A. The Solfege B folder specific for Solfege B.

The remaining folders can be used by both classes. 

The studymaterial: apart from the weekfolders on the onedrive there's a folder called studymaterial with exercises sorted by subject.


Weeknumbers and corresponding dates


 Semester 1 (Block 2.1)

Blues assignment


Solfege B  Week 37 ( 9 sept. )


* Study Standard of the week (If I should lose you). 

Sing melody, bassline and guidetoneline and try to write it down. Transpose  to different tonalities.


Harmony 3 Workbook, Part 1, Diatonic functioning chordscales


Theory B  page 1 - 7,  Diatonic chords, Secondary dominant chords (Harmony 3 Workbook)

Homework: pages 4-6 in the Study Supplement for Harmony 3 & 4.

Page 43 - 51, Blues (Harmony 2 Workbook)

Homework: pages 98-99 in the Study Supplement for Harmony 1 & 2

  • Class: feedback on homework year 1 (harmonizations / song)

Solfege B  Week 38 ( 16 sept. )


Theory B  page 7 - 11,  Extended dominants and Related II chords, Other major key chords (Harmony 3 Workbook)

Homework: pages  7-11 in the Study Supplement for Harmony 3 & 4.

Solfege B  Week 39 ( 23 sept. )


Study Standard of the week (NIght and day). 

Sing melody, bassline and guidetoneline and try to write it down. Transpose  to different tonalities. Listen to different versions. Sheet music is here. The chordsymbols in the sheetmusic are the changes from the playalong. Check the line exercises of NIght and day.

* Don't forget to do the chordscale drill every week. Listen, sing, write down. A chordscale a day keeps the doctor away.


  1. Page 98  (Study Supplement Harmony 1 & 2)
  2. Read the pdf about Blues and songform, especially the chapter'Melodic form' and listen to the audio of the different melodic forms.
  3. Examples of different type s of blues melodies: AAA (Rifftype Blues), AAB Vocalstyle, ABC (Through composed)
  4. Write melodies and pianovoicings on example A, B, C and D (page 123 and 124) and record it on video.  It is allowed to change the chords and tensions of the progression. (keep it natural sounding). We play them in class.
  • Check the work of David Berkman on Blues. Here are the matching Audio files. 

Solfege B  Week 40 ( 30 sept. )

* Transcription in class of a great bluestune by Ray Charles and Diana Krall.

Theory B  

Homework: : make drop 2 voicings (1) of blues chords.

Solfege B  Week 41 ( 7 okt. )


* Study Standard of the week (NIca's dream). 

Sing melody, bassline and guidetoneline and try to write it down. Transpose  to different tonalities.

Theory B  page 11 - 17,  Minor key chords, Blues chords  (Harmony 3 Workbook)

Homework:  pages  12-15 in the Study Supplement for Harmony 3 & 4.

  • Donald Fagen about Peg (Part 1Part 2). Another great Blues tune with a twist. Check this video! Rock & Roll meets jazz. Here is the full score.
  • Donald Fagen about songwriting part 1, part 2, part 3


Solfege B  Week 42 ( 14 okt. )


Harmony 3 Workbook, Part 2, Dominant chord functions


Theory B  page 18 - 23,  V7, Standard deceptive resolutions (Harmony 3 Workbook)*

Homework:  page  23 in the Study Supplement for Harmony 3 & 4.

* Listen to Deceptive resolutions of V7/I.

Solfege B  Week 43 ( 21 okt. ) No lessons, holiday


* Study Standard of the week (Stella by starlight). 

Sing melody, bassline and guidetoneline and try to write it down. Transpose  to different tonalities.


Theory B  page 23 - 28,  Substitute dominant chords (Harmony 3 Workbook)

Homework:  pages  24 - 27 in the Study Supplement for Harmony 3 & 4.

* A tune that is built on the sound of subV's is 'Gary's Notebook' of the great Lee Morgan.

* Some great ways of using Gospel ideas in your blues progression. The entire book is right here

* Marvin Gayes' 'Aint that peculiar', a song based on Backtracking.


Solfege B   Week 44 ( 28 okt. )  

Solfege B  Week 45 ( 4 nov. ) 


* Study Standard of the week (I remember april). 

Sing melody, bassline and guidetoneline and try to write it down. Transpose  to different tonalities.


Theory B  page 28 - 31,  Related II chords (Harmony 3 Workbook)

Homework:  pages  28 in the Study Supplement for Harmony 3 & 4.

Solfege B   Week 46 ( 11 nov. )


Theory B   page 31 - 37,  Extended substitute dominant chords, Chordscales substitute dominants (Harmony 3 Workbook)

Homework: pages  29 - 33 in the Study Supplement for Harmony 3 & 4.

Recording the Blues project in the CMS studio


Block 2.2 

Melody writing / 4 and 5 part pianovoicings


Solfege B   Week 47 ( 18 nov. )


* Study Standard of the week (Round midnight). 

Sing melody, bassline and guidetoneline and try to write it down. Transpose  to different tonalities.


Harmony 3 Workbook, Part 3, Diminished 7th chords, #IVm7b5


Theory B  page 38 - 46,  Diminished 7 chords (Harmony 3 Workbook)


* Pages  37/38 in the Study Supplement for Harmony 3 & 4.

* Harmonize this melody.

Solfege B   Week 48 ( 25 nov. )


Theory B  page 46 - 49,  Available tensions Diminished 7 chords (Harmony 3 Workbook)


* Pages  39 - 40  in the Study Supplement for Harmony 3 & 4.

* Make 4 part and 5 part harmonisation of 'Everything happens to me'

Solfege B   Week 49 ( 2 dec. ) 


* Study Standard of the week (Recordame). 

Sing melody, bassline and guidetoneline and try to write it down. Transpose  to different tonalities.


Theory B  page 49 - 57,  Chordscales Dim. 7 chords, #IVm7b5 (Harmony 3 Workbook)

Homework:  pages  41/42/43  in the Study Supplement for Harmony 3 & 4.

Solfege B   Week 50 ( 9 dec. )

Harmony 3 Workbook, Part 4, Modulation


Theory B  page 60 - 63,  Modulation Considerations (Harmony 3 Workbook)

* Melodic considerations 

Solfege B   Week 51 ( 16 dec. )


Theory B  page 63/64,  Direct modulation (Harmony 3 Workbook)

Homework:  pages  44 - 48  in the Study Supplement for Harmony 3 & 4.

Solfege B   Week 52 ( 23 dec. ) No lessons, Christmas holiday

Solfege B   Week 1 ( 30 dec. ) No lessons, Christmas holiday

Solfege B   Week 2 ( 6 jan. ) Midterm TestExam Solfege A/B

Theory B  page 65/66,  Pivot chord modulation (Harmony 3 Workbook)

Homework:  pages  49, 50  in the Study Supplement for Harmony 3 & 4.

Topic: 'Melody'


  • Study the video about Melody writing and the summary 
  • Study pg 52-68 Berklee Harmony 2 workbook
  • Make exercises pg. 101/102, Berklee Harmony study supplement.

Solfege B   Week 3 ( 13 jan. ) Midterm Exam Solfege A/B


Solfege B   Week 4 ( 20 jan. )


* Study Standard of the week (Green dolphin street). 

Sing melodybassline and guidetoneline and try to write it down. Transpose  to different tonalities.


Theory B  page 65 - 71,  Dominant chord modulation (Harmony 3 Workbook)

Homework:  pages  51, 52  in the Study Supplement for Harmony 3 & 4.

Solfege B   Week 5 ( 27 jan. )


Harmony 4 Workbook, Part 1, Deceptive Dominant 7th Chord Motion


Theory B    page 1 - 16,  Standard deceptive resolutions of V7 review (Harmony 4 Workbook)

Homework:  pages  57  in the Study Supplement for Harmony 3 & 4.


       Melodic analysis (tensions, approachnotes), Contour, stable / unstable notes

  • Examples: 'Let's call the whole thing off' and 'Embraceable you' by George Gershwin

Solfege B   Week 6 ( 3 feb. )


* Popsong of the week: Billy Joel - 'Always a woman to me'

* Study Standard of the week (Joy spring). 

Sing melodybassline and guidetoneline and try to write it down. Transpose  to different tonalities.


Theory B    page 17 - 32,  deceptive resolutions of Secondary  dominants (Harmony 4 Workbook)

Homework:  pages  58  in the Study Supplement for Harmony 3 & 4.


  • Theory exam Blok 2.2
  • melodic analysis / manipulation (Berklee)
  • melodic considerations (J.C A practice)
  • make pianovoicings like 'Everything happens to me'

(4/5 part, passing chords)


Semester 2 Block 2.3

American Songbook assignment


Solfege B   Week 7 ( 10 feb. ) 

*Standards with verse 1 ('White christmas')


Theory B    page 33 - 46,  deceptive resolutions of Secondary  dominants, Contiguous dominants and related II chords (Harmony 4 Workbook)

Homework: pages  59, 60  in the Study Supplement for Harmony 3 & 4.


Topic: 'Melody'

* Melodic considerations 

* Audio examples Jazz Composition and practice:


Major: 'A child is born '- Thad jones,' Honeysuckle rose' - Fats Waller

Minor: 'Django' - John Lewis, How Insensitive - Antonio Carlos jobim

Modal scales: 'Jeannine' - Duke Pearson, 'Tell me a bedtime story' - Herbie Hancock

Blues scale: 'Birdland' - Joe Zawinul

Symmetric diminished scale: 'Killer Joe' - Benny Golson (bridge)

Melodic variation via Modal interchange: 'All blues' - Miles Davis (G mixo to G Dorian), 'No more blues' - Jobim (D minor to Dmajor)

Melodic repetition:

1) Motivic repetition: 'In a mellow tone - Duke Ellington, 'A child is born '- Thad jones

2) Four-Measure phrase repetition: 'Naima' - John Coltrane'Jeannine' - Duke Pearson

3) Eight-Measure phrase repetition: 'Afternoon in Paris' - john Lewis, 'Maiden Voyage' - Herbie Hancock

Melodic sequence:

1) Motivic sequense: 'Cute' - Neal Hefti

2) Two measure melodic sequence:  'Afternoon in Paris' - john Lewis (measure 1-4), 'Woody'n you' - Dizzy Gillespie

3) Four-measure melodic sequence: 'Blue Bossa' - Kenny Dorham

4) Eight-measure melodic sequence: 'Joy spring' - Clifford Brown

Motivic transformation:

1) Same rhythm, different pitches: 'Maiden Voyage' - Herbie Hancock

2) Same pitches, different rhythm: 'Samba de goofed (page 155)

Motivic embellishment: 'Samba de goofed (page 155), 

Motifs based on intervallic patterns: 'Soliloguy' (page 26)

Melodies based on guidetones: 'Dolphin dance' - Herbie Hancock, 'And why not' (page 31)

Melodies based on compound lines: 'Diminishing returns' (page 35)

Antecedent and consequent phrases:

1) Four measure phrases: Your smile (page 135)

2) Eight measure phrases: 'For Bill' (page 141)

3) Asymmetric phrases: 'Diminishing returns' (page 35)

Pitch contour and range:

1) Smooth: Any friday' (page 120)

2) Rough: 'Thad's pad' (page 129)

Apex: 'Scrooge' (page 147)

Melodic tension as a function of style: 'Let's split' (page 122)

Solfege B   Week 8 ( 17 feb. ) No lessons, holiday.


* Study Standard of the week (Our love is here to stay). 

Sing melodybassline and guidetoneline and try to write it down. Transpose  to different tonalities.

Solfege B   Week 9 ( 24 feb. )

* Popsong of the week: 'Still crazy after all these years'

* Standards with verse 2 ('Somebody to watch over me')


Theory B    

Homework:  pages  61 - 66  in the Study Supplement for Harmony 3 & 4.

Start in class, finish at home.

Topic: Form

Solfege B   Week 10 ( 2  march )


* Study Standard of the week (Solar). 

Sing melodybassline and guidetoneline and try to write it down. Transpose  to different tonalities.

Harmony 4 Workbook, Part 2, Modal Interchange


Theory B      page 47 - 53,  Modal Interchange (1) (Harmony 4 Workbook)

Homework:  pages  73, 74  in the Study Supplement for Harmony 3 & 4.

Topic: Pianovoicings, Harmonic tricks ('What's new'), Guidetones

Solfege B   Week 11 ( 9  march )


Theory B      page 47 - 53,  Modal Interchange (2) (Harmony 4 Workbook)

Homework: pages  75, 76  in the Study Supplement for Harmony 3 & 4.

Topic: Jazzbasslines, Arranging the standard

Solfege B   Week 12 ( 16  march )


* Study Standard of the week (Bluesette). 

Sing melodybassline and guidetoneline and try to write it down. Transpose  to different tonalities.

Harmony 4 Workbook, Part 3, Pedal Point and Ostinato


Theory B      page 63 - 70,  Pedal Point and Ostinato (Harmony 4 Workbook)

Homework:  pages  80, 81  in the Study Supplement for Harmony 3 & 4.

Topic: Modulations

Solfege B   Week 13 ( 23  march )


Theory B

Topic: Lefthand piano voicings

Homework: : Make  piano voicings (Georgia)


Solfege B   Week 14 ( 30  march. )


* Study Standard of the week (Have you met miss Jones). 

Sing melodybassline and guidetoneline and try to write it down. Transpose  to different tonalities.


Theory B


Topic: Score evaluation (layout parts and scores)

Solfege B   Week 15 ( 6 aprl. )


Theory B


Recording the Standard (CMS studio)

Solfege B   Week 16 ( 13 aprl. ) 


* Study Standard of the week (What is this thing called love). 

Sing melodybassline and guidetoneline and try to write it down. Transpose  to different tonalities.

Theory B


Evaluation of the American songbook recording


Semester 2, Block 2.4 (9 lessons)

Groove assignment


Solfege B   Week 17 ( 20 aprl. )


Theory B


Topic: Drums

Solfege B   Week 18 ( 27 aprl. ) No lessons, holiday


* Study Standard of the week (What's new). 

Sing melodybassline and guidetoneline and try to write it down. Transpose  to different tonalities.

Solfege B   Week 19 ( 4 may )


Theory B


Topic: Bass

Watch Nathan East talking about Bass

Solfege B   Week 20 ( 11 may )

Write out rhyhm guitar parts of 'Carwash'.


Theory B


Topic: Guitar

Solfege B   Week 21 ( 18 may )


Theory B


Topic: Piano/Keyboards

Solfege B   Week 22 ( 25 may )

Final Solfege A/B Exam


Theory B


Solfege B   Week 23 ( 1 June ) 

Checking Final Solfege A/B Exam in class


Theory B


Solfege B   Week 24 ( 8 June ) 

Final Reexam Solfege A/B


Theory B       

Solfege B   Week 25 ( 15 June ) Checking the reexam in class.


Theory B   

Recording basic track Groove project (CMS studio)