Solfege A  Week 12


  • Standard of the week (All of me). 

Sing melody, bassline and guidetoneline and try to write it down. Transpose  to different tonalities. Check different versions. Sheetmusic is here. The chordsymbols in the sheetmusic are the changes from the playalong.

Harmony and theory  Week 12  

  • page 12- 14 Deceptive Resolution (Harmony 2 Workbook) / Reharmonisation analysis

Homework:  page 77 - 79  (Study Supplement Harmony 1 & 2)

  • Reharmonize 'Silent night' in steps. 
  • 1) I, IV and V
  • 2) Seventh chords 
  • 3) Diatonic subs
  • 4) Sec.Dominants
  • 5) Sec. Dominants with tensions
  • 6) Passing chords

Put chordsymbols and make pianovoicings 

Here are the 'Silent night' worksheets



  • Listening to songversions and reharmonisation in tunes