General info:


Weeknumbers and corresponding dates

The links used in this reader are mostly connected to the Onedrive of the Hanze University. The first time you use a link you will have to enter your password.

Sometimes there will be referred to other sites such as Moodle with leon Mennen,, Artusi, Youtube or Spotify.


Sightsinging: ‘Traplopen & Springstof (part 1)

Rhythm tapping: ‘Pozzoli

Important advice: have fun with it! 


Solfege Reader


Week 37 (lesson 1)



Sightsing Page 1-4 (‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Standard of the week


·      Blue Bossa (Wikipedia)


1.     Listen at least two versions of the song, including the original. For instance: Joe Henderson with Kenny Dorham Blue Bossa.This is  Bobby mcferrin’s version, singing bassnotes of the song together with the amazing Chick Corea

2.     Analyse the tune (Composer? Name the harmonic degrees, check melodic/harmony sequences, modulations)

3.     Summarize the standard in a couple of sentences;

‘Blue Bossa is a latin  tune of 16 bars in C minor (Form: A) with one modulation a semitone up, prepared by a II-V, no pivot chord, ending with a II – V - I in the main key. 

Harmonic overview: [Cm: I - IV - II - V - I] [Db: II – V – I] 

[Cm: II – V – I]’

4.     Listen to the melody, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

5.     Listen to the bassline, sing it and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

6.     Sing that same bassline, but now on absolute notenames

7.     Listen to guidetone 1guidetone 2  and mixed guidetones, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

8.     Now try to play the bassline on the piano and sing the melody in the original key

9.     The chords on the leadsheet are those used in the playalong version

10. Extra: sing the tune, alternating melody and bassline, like this:

11. Play chordvoicings of Blue Bossa

12. Extra Standard line exercises:

Blue Bossa line ex.



chords and patterns

The Octave and anchor intervals


dictation and 


1.     Look at the  the melody of Blue bossa and discover the architecture of the melody. Scalar, build on arpeggios, lots of chordtones, any specific intervals, syncopation, any repetition, sequenses?

2.     Try to write down each separate motif (sort) or phrase (longer), starting on different starting notes (now you are transposing the melody)

3.     Extra: Some licks of the song you just studied.

4.     More melodic dictations week 37


Identifying pitches in treble and bass clef

(All levels)

Artusi 1.png

·Rhythm dictation

(Level 1-6)

Artusi 2.png


Blue Bossa rhythm exercises (Use metronomeplayalong or rhythm loop)


·      Listen to different versions of the same tune and listen to the phrasing of the melody

·      Improvise another version of the same melody, starting on every beat of the bar the different phrases of the melody starts on. Snap on 2 and 4, snap on 1 and 3 or clap clave. Use the playalong as your audio guide.

·      Do the same thing beginning on the offbeats of 1, 2, 3 and 4.

·      Improvise the melody in 3/4

·      Anticipate the first note of every melody phrase

·      Delay the first note of every melody phrase

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but anticipate the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes later), play the bassline when singing this or use the  playalong  as your audio guide

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but delay the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes earlier), play the bassline when singing this

·      Sing melodies rubato and find logical phrasing, as if you were singing an intro of the song. Accompany yourself and find the spots where you can fill in with your instrument

·      Sing or Play the melody and make a logical accelerando / ritenuto. Do the same when studying scales

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Follow the conductor! Try to play the melody while a fellow student is conducting. Change places.

·      Finish melody phrase with same melodical content, but different rhythm


Week 38 (lesson 2)



Sightsing Page 5-6, (‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Choir singing (‘There’ll never be another you’)

Auditory analysis

with audacity



chords and patterns


Modal patterns

Triadic patterns


dictation and 


More melodic dictations week 38





·      Primeira Serie


·      Sing the rhythms with the metronome on every pulse/beat (vary the tempo)

·      Put the metronome on every other beat (1 & 3

·      Put the metronome only on the first beat

·      Put the metronome only on beat 2/3/4

·      Put the metronome on the 1 and, 2 and, 3 and, 4 and

·      Sing the rhythms straight and in swing

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Clap the clave and sing the rhythm

Scat songs

Moody’s Mood - George Benson / Rachel Ferrell, George benson Spotify, James moody Spotify

Licks Available on Moodle with leon Mennen




Week 39 (Lesson 3)



Sightsing Page 7-8, (‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Standard of the week


·      There’ll never be another you (Wikipedia)


1.     Listen at least two versions of the song, including the original. For instance: Jimmy Raney or Chet Baker Baker

2.     Analyse the tune (Composer, players, label? Name the harmonic degrees, check melodic/harmony sequences, modulations)

3.     Summarize the standard in a couple of sentences;

For instance: ‘Blue Bossa is a Latin  tune of 16 bars (Form: A) in C minor with one modulation a semitone up, prepared by a II-V, no pivot chord, ending with a II – V - I in the main key. 

Harmonic overview: [Cm: I - IV - II - V - I] [Db: II – V – I] 

[Cm: II – V – I]’

There’ll never be another you 


4.     Listen to the melody, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

5.     Listen to the bassline, sing it and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

6.     Sing that same bassline, but now on absolute note names

7.     Listen to guidetone 1 and guidetone 2, with notes, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

8.     Now try to play the bassline on the piano and sing the melody in the original key

9.     The chords on the leadsheet are those used in the playalong version

10. Extra: sing the tune, alternating melody and bassline, like this:

11. Extra Standard line exercises:" width="333" height="201" />


chords and patterns

Modal patterns

Triadic patterns

Review Scatsong Moody’s Mood

Available on Moodle with leon Mennen


dictation and 


1.     Look at the  the leadsheet  of the SOTW and discover the architecture of the melody. Scalar, build on arpeggios, lots of chordtones, any specific intervals, lots of syncopation, any repetition, sequenses?

2.     Try to write down each separate motif (sort) or phrase (longer), starting on different starting notes (now you are transposing the melody)

3.     Extra: Some licks of the song you just studied.

4.     More melodic dictations week 39



page 1 - 12,  Staff, clefs, leger lines, Accidentals, Scales (major and minor) (Harmony 1 Workbook)

Homework:  page 1 - 15 (Study Supplement Harmony 1 & 2)




There’ll never be another you rhythm exercises (Use metronomeplayalong or rhythm loop)


·      Listen to different versions of the same tune and listen to the phrasing of the melody

·      Improvise another version of the same melody, starting on every beat of the bar the different phrases of the melody starts on. Snap on 2 and 4, snap on 1 and 3 or clap clave. Use the playalong as your audio guide.

·      Do the same thing beginning on the offbeats of 1, 2, 3 and 4.

·      Improvise the melody in 3/4

·      Anticipate the first note of every melody phrase

·      Delay the first note of every melody phrase

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but anticipate the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes later), play the bassline when singing this or use the  playalong  as your audio guide

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but delay the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes earlier), play the bassline when singing this

·      Sing melodies rubato and find logical phrasing, as if you were singing an intro of the song. Accompany yourself and find the spots where you can fill in with your instrument

·      Sing or Play the melody and make a logical accelerando / ritenuto. Do the same when studying scales

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Follow the conductor! Try to play the melody while a fellow student is conducting. Change places.

·      Finish melody phrase with same melodical content, but different rhythm




Week 40 (Lesson 4)



Sightsing Page 9-10, (‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Choir singing: ‘Indiana’

Auditory analysis

With audacity



chords and patterns

Modal patterns

Triadic patterns


dictation and 


More melodic dictations week 40


·       Identifying harmonic intervals (All levels)

Artusi Picture 1.png

·       Melodic mistake recognition (Level 1-4)

Artusi Picture 2png.png



Segunda serie


·      Sing the rhythms with the metronome on every pulse/beat (vary the tempo)

·      Put the metronome on every other beat (1 & 3

·      Put the metronome only on the first beat

·      Put the metronome only on beat 2/3/4

·      Put the metronome on the 1 and, 2 and, 3 and, 4 and

·      Sing the rhythms straight and in swing

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Clap the clave and sing the rhythm

Scat songs

It could Happen to you – Chet Baker, Spotify, only the scatsolo

Also available on Moodle with Leon Mennen



Week 41 (Lesson 5)



Sightsing Page 11-12 (the triad as a skeleton), (‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Standard of the week


·      Satin Doll (Wikipedia)


1.     Listen at least two versions of the song, including the original. For instance: Art Farmer with Lee Konitz and Gerry Mulligan or 

2.     Analyse the tune (Composer, players, label? Name the harmonic degrees, check melodic/harmony sequences, modulations)

3.     Summarize the standard in a couple of sentences;

For instance: ‘Blue Bossa is a Latin  tune of 16 bars (Form: A) in C minor with one modulation a semitone up, prepared by a II-V, no pivot chord, ending with a II – V - I in the main key. 

Harmonic overview: [Cm: I - IV - II - V - I] [Db: II – V – I] 

[Cm: II – V – I]’

Satin Doll is____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4.     Listen to the melody, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

5.     Listen to the bassline, sing it and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

6.     Sing that same bassline, but now on absolute notenames

7.     Listen to the guidetone, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

8.     Now try to play the bassline on the piano and sing the melody in the original key

9.     The chords on the leadsheet are those used in the playalong version

10. Extra: sing the tune, alternating melody and bassline, like this:

11. Extra Standard line exercises:" width="288" height="114" />


chords and patterns

Modal patterns

Triadic patterns

Review It could Happen to youSpotify, only the scatsolo

Available on Moodle with leon Mennen


dictation and 


1.     Look at the  the melody and discover the architecture of the melody. Scalar, build on arpeggios, lots of chordtones, any specific intervals, lots of syncopation, any repetition, sequenses?

2.     Try to write down each separate motif (sort) or phrase (longer), starting on different starting notes (now you are transposing the melody)

3.     Extra: Some licks of the song you just studied played by Wes Montgomery.

4.     More melodic dictations week 41


Figured bass / Inversion exercises in class (handouts)



Satin Doll rhythm exercises (Use metronomeplayalong or rhythm loop)


·      Listen to different versions of the same tune and listen to the phrasing of the melody

·      Improvise another version of the same melody, starting on every beat of the bar the different phrases of the melody starts on. Snap on 2 and 4, snap on 1 and 3 or clap clave. Use the playalong as your audio guide.

·      Do the same thing beginning on the offbeats of 1, 2, 3 and 4.

·      Improvise the melody in 3/4

·      Anticipate the first note of every melody phrase

·      Delay the first note of every melody phrase

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but anticipate the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes later), play the bassline when singing this or use the  playalong  as your audio guide

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but delay the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes earlier), play the bassline when singing this

·      Sing melodies rubato and find logical phrasing, as if you were singing an intro of the song. Accompany yourself and find the spots where you can fill in with your instrument

·      Sing or Play the melody and make a logical accelerando / ritenuto. Do the same when studying scales

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Follow the conductor! Try to play the melody while a fellow student is conducting. Change places.

·      Finish melody phrase with same melodical content, but different rhythm




Week 42 (Holiday)



Week 43 (Lesson 6)



Sightsing Page 13-14, (‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Choir singing: ‘Bach Choral 1’

Standard of the week


·      Misty (Wikipedia)


1.     Listen at least two versions of the song, including the original. For instance: Errol Garner or Wes Montgomery

2.     Analyse the tune (Composer, players, label? Name the harmonic degrees, check melodic/harmony sequences, modulations)

3.     Summarize the standard in a couple of sentences;

For instance: ‘Blue Bossa is a Latin  tune of 16 bars (Form: A) in C minor with one modulation a semitone up, prepared by a II-V, no pivot chord, ending with a II – V - I in the main key. 

Harmonic overview: [Cm: I - IV - II - V - I] [Db: II – V – I] 

[Cm: II – V – I]’

Misty is ________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4.     Listen to the melody with notes, only audio, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

5.     Listen to the bassline, sing it and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

6.     Sing that same bassline, but now on absolute notenames

7.     Listen to the guidetone,, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

8.     Now try to play the bassline on the piano and sing the melody in the original key

9.     The chords on the leadsheet are those used in the playalong version

10.   Extra Line exercises on Misty


chords and patterns

Modal patterns

Triadic patterns


dictation and 


1.     Look at the  the melody  and discover the architecture of the melody. Scalar, build on arpeggios, lots of chordtones, any specific intervals, lots of syncopation, any repetition, sequenses?

2.     Try to write down each separate motif (sort) or phrase (longer), starting on different starting notes (now you are transposing the melody)

3.     Extra: Some licks of the song you just studied.

4.     More melodic dictations week 43

Theory berklee

page 13 - 19,  Key signatures, Interval recognition (Harmony 1 Workbook)

Homeworkpage 16 - 23 (Study Supplement Harmony 1 & 2) 



Terceira serie


·      Sing the rhythms with the metronome on every pulse/beat (vary the tempo)

·      Put the metronome on every other beat (1 & 3

·      Put the metronome only on the first beat

·      Put the metronome only on beat 2/3/4

·      Put the metronome on the 1 and, 2 and, 3 and, 4 and

·      Sing the rhythms straight and in swing

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Clap the clave and sing the rhythm

Mist rhythm exercises (Use metronomeplayalong or rhythm loop)


·      Listen to different versions of the same tune and listen to the phrasing of the melody

·      Improvise another version of the same melody, starting on every beat of the bar the different phrases of the melody starts on. Snap on 2 and 4, snap on 1 and 3 or clap clave. Use the playalong as your audio guide.

·      Do the same thing beginning on the offbeats of 1, 2, 3 and 4.

·      Improvise the melody in 3/4

·      Anticipate the first note of every melody phrase

·      Delay the first note of every melody phrase

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but anticipate the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes later), play the bassline when singing this or use the  playalong  as your audio guide

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but delay the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes earlier), play the bassline when singing this

·      Sing melodies rubato and find logical phrasing, as if you were singing an intro of the song. Accompany yourself and find the spots where you can fill in with your instrument

·      Sing or Play the melody and make a logical accelerando / ritenuto. Do the same when studying scales

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Follow the conductor! Try to play the melody while a fellow student is conducting. Change places.

·      Finish melody phrase with same melodical content, but different rhythm




Week 44 (Lesson 7)



Sightsing Page 15-16, (‘Traplopen en Springstof’) 

Auditory analysis

with audacity



chords and patterns

Modal patterns

Triadic patterns


dictation and 


More melodic dictations week 44


·       Writing harmonic intervals (all levels)" width="41" height="27" />

·       Identifying written scales (all levels)




Scat songs

Do it the hard way – Chet Baker, Spotify, only the solo

Available on Moodle with leon Mennen




Week 45 (Lesson 8, mini test)

 Material week 37-45 )




Standard of the week


·      Yardbird suite (Charlie parker) (Wikipedia)


1.     Listen at least two versions of the song, including the original. For instance: Charlie Parker or Carmen McRae (vocals version)

2.     Analyse the tune (Composer, players, label? Name the harmonic degrees, check melodic/harmony sequences, modulations)

3.     Summarize the standard in a couple of sentences;

For instance: ‘Blue Bossa is a Latin  tune of 16 bars (Form: A) in C minor with one modulation a semitone up, prepared by a II-V, no pivot chord, ending with a II – V - I in the main key. 

Harmonic overview: [Cm: I - IV - II - V - I] [Db: II – V – I] 

[Cm: II – V – I]’

Yardbird suite is _________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4.     Listen to the melody, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

5.     Listen to the bassline, sing it and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

6.     Sing that same bassline, but now on absolute notenames

7.     Listen to the guidetone, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

8.     Now try to play the bassline on the piano and sing the melody in the original key

9.     The chords on the leadsheet are those used in the playalong version

10. Extra: sing the tune, alternating melody and bassline, like this:


chords and patterns

Modal patterns

Triadic patterns


dictation and 


1.     Look at the  the melody  and discover the architecture of the melody. Scalar, build on arpeggios, lots of chordtones, any specific intervals, lots of syncopation, any repetition, sequenses?

2.     Try to write down each separate motif (sort) or phrase (longer), starting on different starting notes (now you are transposing the melody)

3.     Extra: Some licks of the song you just studied.

4.     More melodic dictations week 45


Artusi Formative test


·      Identifying pitches in treble and bass clef

·      Identifying harmonic intervals

·      Writing harmonic intervals

·      Identifying triads, close and in inversion, only quality

·      Identifying triads, close and in inversion, quality and position

·      Building triads, root position and inversion

·      Building seventh chords from 3,5,7

·      Building chords on degrees

·      Rhythm dictation

·      Melodic mistake recognition

·      Identifying written scales

·      Writing scales

·      Scale identification

·      Placing barlines






Week 46 (Lesson 9)



Sightsing Page 17-19, (‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Choir singing: ‘I thought about you’

Auditory analysis

with audacity



chords and patterns

Modal patterns

Triadic patterns


dictation and 


More melodic dictations week 46


·       Identifying triads, close and in inversion, only quality (level 1-7)" width="40" height="34" />



Quarta series


·      Sing the rhythms with the metronome on every pulse/beat (vary the tempo)

·      Put the metronome on every other beat (1 & 3

·      Put the metronome only on the first beat

·      Put the metronome only on beat 2/3/4

·      Put the metronome on the 1 and, 2 and, 3 and, 4 and

·      Sing the rhythms straight and in swing

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Clap the clave and sing the rhythm


Scat songs

Review Do it the hard way – Chet Baker

Spotify, only the solo

Available on Moodle with leon Mennen




Week 47 (Lesson 10)



Sightsing Page 20-22 (triad skeleton + jumps), (‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Standard of the week


·      Darn that dream (Wikipedia)


1.     Listen at least two versions of the song, including the original. For instance: Dianne ReevesBenny Goodman or Dexter Gordon

2.     Analyse the tune (Composer, players, label? Name the harmonic degrees, check melodic/harmony sequences, modulations)

3.     Summarize the standard in a couple of sentences;

For instance: ‘Blue Bossa is a Latin  tune of 16 bars (Form: A) in C minor with one modulation a semitone up, prepared by a II-V, no pivot chord, ending with a II – V - I in the main key. 

Harmonic overview: [Cm: I - IV - II - V - I] [Db: II – V – I] 

[Cm: II – V – I]’

Darn that dream  is_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4.     Listen to the melody, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

5.     Listen to the bassline, sing it and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

6.     Sing that same bassline, but now on absolute notenames

7.     Listen to the guidetone, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

8.     Now try to play the bassline on the piano and sing the melody in the original key

9.     The chords on the leadsheet are those used in the playalong version

10.   Extra: line exercises


chords and patterns

Modal patterns

Triadic patterns


dictation and 


1.     Look at the  the melody  and discover the architecture of the melody. Scalar, build on arpeggios, lots of chordtones, any specific intervals, lots of syncopation, any repetition, sequenses?

2.     Try to write down each separate motif (sort) or phrase (longer), starting on different starting notes (now you are transposing the melody)

3.     Extra: Some licks of the song you just studied.

4.     More melodic dictations week 47

Theory/ Berklee

page 20 - 27,  Inversion of intervals, Chord construction - Triads (Harmony 1 Workbook)

Homework: page 24 - 31  (Study Supplement Harmony 1 & 2) 




Darn that dream rhythm exercises (Use metronome, band playalong or rhythm loop)


·      Listen to different versions of the same tune and listen to the phrasing of the melody

·      Improvise another version of the same melody, starting on every beat of the bar the different phrases of the melody starts on. Snap on 2 and 4, snap on 1 and 3 or clap clave. 

·      Do the same thing beginning on the offbeats of 1, 2, 3 and 4.

·      Improvise the melody in 3/4

·      Anticipate the first note of every melody phrase

·      Delay the first note of every melody phrase

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but anticipate the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes later), play the bassline when singing this or use the  playalong  as your audio guide

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but delay the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes earlier), play the bassline when singing this

·      Sing melodies rubato and find logical phrasing, as if you were singing an intro of the song. Accompany yourself and find the spots where you can fill in with your instrument

·      Sing or Play the melody and make a logical accelerando / ritenuto. Do the same when studying scales

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Follow the conductor! Try to play the melody while a fellow student is conducting. Change places.

·      Finish melody phrase with same melodical content, but different rhythm




Week 48  (Lesson 11)



Sightsing Page 23-24, (‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Choir singing (‘All the things you are’)

Auditory analysis

with audacity



chords and patterns

Modal patterns

Triadic patterns


dictation and 


More melodic dictations week 48


·       Identifying triads, close and in inversion, quality and position (level 1-2)" width="36" height="41" />



Quinta series


·      Sing the rhythms with the metronome on every pulse/beat (vary the tempo)

·      Put the metronome on every other beat (1 & 3

·      Put the metronome only on the first beat

·      Put the metronome only on beat 2/3/4

·      Put the metronome on the 1 and, 2 and, 3 and, 4 and

·      Sing the rhythms straight and in swing

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Clap the clave and sing the rhythm



Review 2: Moody’s Mood - George Benson / Rachel Ferrell

George benson Spotify, James moody Spotify

Available on Moodle with leon Mennen




Week 49 (Lesson 12)




Sightsing Page 25-26, (‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Standard of the week


·      All the things you are (Wikipedia)


1.     Listen at least two versions of the song, including the original. For instance: Ella Fitzgerald with The famous Nelson Riddle arrangement  or Pat Metheny’s version

2.     Analyse the tune (Composer, players, label? Name the harmonic degrees, check melodic/harmony sequences, modulations)

3.     Summarize the standard in a couple of sentences;

For instance: ‘Blue Bossa is a latin  tune of 16 bars (Form: A) in C minor with one modulation a semitone up, prepared by a II-V, no pivot chord, ending with a II – V - I in the main key. 

Harmonic overview: [Cm: I - IV - II - V - I] [Db: II – V – I] 

[Cm: II – V – I]’

All the things you are is ___________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4.     Listen to the melody, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

5.     Listen to the bassline, sing it and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

6.     Sing that same bassline, but now on absolute notenames

7.     Listen to the guidetone, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

8.     Now try to play the bassline on the piano and sing the melody in the original key

9.     The chords on the leadsheet are those used in the playalong  or slow versionversion

10.   Extra: Line exercises


chords and patterns

Modal patterns

Triadic patterns

Review 2: It could Happen to you – Chet Baker

Available on Moodle with leon Mennen


dictation and 


1.     Look at the  the melody  and discover the architecture of the melody. Scalar, build on arpeggios, lots of chordtones, any specific intervals, lots of syncopation, any repetition, sequenses?

2.     Try to write down each separate motif (sort) or phrase (longer), starting on different starting notes (now you are transposing the melody)

3.     Extra: Some licks of the song you just studied. Analysis of the Pat Metheny solo

4.     More melodic dictations week 49

Theory/ Berklee


page 28 - 33,  Chord construction-seventh chords, Inversion of chords (Harmony 1 Workbook)

Homework: page 32 - 41  (Study Supplement Harmony 1 & 2)



All the things you are rhythm exercises (Use metronomeplayalong or rhythm loop)


·      Listen to different versions of the same tune and listen to the phrasing of the melody

·      Improvise another version of the same melody, starting on every beat of the bar the different phrases of the melody starts on. Snap on 2 and 4, snap on 1 and 3 or clap clave. 

·      Do the same thing beginning on the offbeats of 1, 2, 3 and 4.

·      Improvise the melody in 3/4

·      Anticipate the first note of every melody phrase

·      Delay the first note of every melody phrase

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but anticipate the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes later), play the bassline when singing this or use the  playalong  as your audio guide

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but delay the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes earlier), play the bassline when singing this

·      Sing melodies rubato and find logical phrasing, as if you were singing an intro of the song. Accompany yourself and find the spots where you can fill in with your instrument

·      Sing or Play the melody and make a logical accelerando / ritenuto. Do the same when studying scales

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Follow the conductor! Try to play the melody while a fellow student is conducting. Change places.

·      Finish melody phrase with same melodical content, but different rhythm




Week 50 (Lesson 13)



Sightsing Page 27-28, (‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Choir singing: ‘The nearness of you’

Auditory analysis

with audacity



chords and patterns

Modal patterns

Triadic patterns


dictation and 


Review 2: Do it the hard way – Chet Baker

Available on Moodle with leon Mennen

More melodic dictations week 50


Building triads, root position and inversion (level 1-8)" width="40" height="22" />



Sexta series


·      Sing the rhythms with the metronome on every pulse/beat (vary the tempo)

·      Put the metronome on every other beat (1 & 3

·      Put the metronome only on the first beat

·      Put the metronome only on beat 2/3/4

·      Put the metronome on the 1 and, 2 and, 3 and, 4 and

·      Sing the rhythms straight and in swing

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Clap the clave and sing the rhythm




Week 51 (Consoltation week)




Topics:  page 34 - 43,  Chord Voicings, Non Chordtones, Scales - Modes (Harmony 1 Workbook)

Homework: page 42 - 53  (Study Supplement Harmony 1 & 2)

Deadline Homework (page 1 - 53)


Week 52 (Christmas holiday, week 1)

Week 1 (Christmas holiday, week 2)


Week 2 (Lesson 14)



Sightsing Pg. 29-30 (triad skeleton with passing tones), (‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Standard of the week




chords and patterns

Modal patterns

Triadic patterns


dictation and 




Building seventh chords from 3,5,7

Building chords on degrees

(level 1)

Picture 1.png



Setima series


·      Sing the rhythms with the metronome on every pulse/beat (vary the tempo)

·      Put the metronome on every other beat (1 & 3

·      Put the metronome only on the first beat

·      Put the metronome only on beat 2/3/4

·      Put the metronome on the 1 and, 2 and, 3 and, 4 and

·      Sing the rhythms straight and in swing

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Clap the clave and sing the rhythm





Week 3 (Lesson 15) 



Sightsing Page 31-32, (‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Choir singing: ‘Bach chorale 2’

Standard of the week




chords and patterns

Modal patterns

Triadic patterns


dictation and 











Week 4 (Exam week 1) 


Artusi Summative test semester 1




  • Identifying pitches in treble and bass clef (all levels)

  • Identifying harmonic intervals (all levels)

  • Writing harmonic intervals (all levels)

  • Identifying triads, close and in inversion, only quality (level 1-7)

  • Identifying triads, close and in inversion, quality and position (level 1-2)

  • Building triads, root position and inversion (level 1-8)

  • Building seventh chords from 3,5,7

  • Building chords on degrees (level 1)

  • Rhythmic dictation (level 1-6)

  • Identifying melodic errors (Level 1-4)

  • Identifying written scales (all levels

  • Writing scales (all levels)

  • Scale identification (all levels)

  • Placing barlines (all levels)


Goal is to speed up your theoratical skills based on the Artusi course

‘Fundamentals in music’.

Exam will be in a strict time frame


Week 5  (Exam week 2, individual)


  • Playing / singing the 'Standard of the week'(SOTW)


List of standards for semester 1:

  • Blue Bossa

  • There'll never be another you

  • Satin Doll

  • Misty

  • Yardbird Suite

  • Darn that dream

  • All the things you are


The student must be able to:

  • Sing the melody of allstandards of semester 1 by heart 

  • Sing the bassnotes of allstandards of semester 1 by heart

  • Sing the melody of standards of semester 1 of your own choice by heart while playing the bassline on your instrument, in a steady tempo, no hickups (on piano or guitar

  • Sing one of the guidetonelines with chord accompaniment of the playalong or live during the exam of standards of semester 1 of your own choice by heart

  • Play the shell chordvoicings (3 or 4 voices) with the root in the lefthand and 3 and 7 (and an optional 3rdnote extra in the righthand), (respect common tones) of standard of semester 1 of your own choice by heart in one steady tempo (on piano or guitar)

Optional: move one of the righthand fingers to make a small figuration, creating anticipation, suspension, delay (teachers will be very excited)

  • Modes

             The student must be able to sing all the tetrachords of all the modes 

             (scale degrees 1-4/5-8, 5-1/8-5, visualize piano!, sing in tune. Check Modal patterns

  • Chords

  • The student must be able to sing major, minor, diminished and augmented triads from every step in the major and minor scales 

  • The student must be able to sing all the triads of the major and minor scales in root position and inversion, with every possible permutation (1,3,5 - 1,5,3 - 5,1,3 etc.......)

            Check Triadic patterns


  • Rhythm 

  1. The student must be able to sing the rhythms of the series 1-10 (primeira - Oitava series of the ‘Pozzoli’book') 


  • Sing the rhythms with the metronome on every pulse/beat (vary the tempo)

  • Put the metronome on every other beat (1 & 3)

  • Put the metronome only on the first beat

  • Put the metronome only on beat 2/3/4

  • Put the metronome on the 1 and, 2 and, 3 and, 4 and

  • Sing the rhythms straight and in swing

  • Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

  • Clap the clave and sing the rhythm (optional)

  1. The student must be able to sing the Standard rhythm exercises of the  melodies of all the standards of the week of semester 1


Requirements (only Jazzstudents):


  • Improvise another version of the same melody, starting on every beat of the bar the different phrases of the melody starts on. Snap on 2 and 4, snap on 1 and 3 or clap clave. Use the playalong as your audio guide.

  • Do the same thing beginning on the offbeats of 1, 2, 3 and 4.

  • Improvise the melody in 3/4

  • Anticipate the first note of every melody phrase

  • Delay the first note of every melody phrase

  • Start the melody on the original starting point but anticipate the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes later), play the bassline when singing this or use theplayalong  as your audio guide

  • Start the melody on the original starting point but delay the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes earlier), play the bassline when singing this

  • Sing melodies rubato and find logical phrasing, as if you were singing an intro of the song. Accompany yourself and find the spots where you can fill in with your instrument

  • Sing or Play the melody and make a logical accelerando / ritenuto. Do the same when studying scales

  • Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

  • Follow the conductor! Try to play the melody while a fellow student is conducting. Change places.

  • Finish melody phrase with same melodical content, but different rhythm

  • Sightsinging


The student must be able to sing exercises from 'Traplopen en Springstof' (page 1-34)


Week 6 (Osiris week,  projectweek Jazz, no lessons)





Semester 2


Week 7 (Lesson 1)



Sightsing Page 35-37, (‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Standard of the week


• The end of a love affair (Wikipedia)


1.     Listen at least two versions of the song, including the original. For instance: Billie HolidayChaka Kahn or Dexter Gordon Wynton Marsalis

2.     Analyse the tune (Composer? Name the harmonic degrees, check melodic/harmony sequences, modulations)

3.     Summarize the standard in a couple of sentences;

For instance: ‘Blue Bossa is a latin  tune of 16 bars in C minor (Form: A) with one modulation a semitone up, prepared by a II-V, no pivot chord, ending with a II – V - I in the main key. 

Harmonic overview: [Cm: I - IV - II - V - I] [Db: II – V – I] 

[Cm: II – V – I]’


The end of a love affair is  -------------------------------------------------_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4.     Listen to the melody, with band, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

5.     Listen to the bassline, only bass, sing it and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

6.     Sing that same bassline, but now on absolute notenames

7.     Listen to the guidetone, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

8.     Now try to play the bassline on the piano and sing the melody in the original key

9.     The chords on the leadsheet are those used in the playalong version

10.  Tap the rhythm of the comping of Wes Montgomery on this tune or play it


chords and patterns



dictation and 


1.     Look at the  the melody of and discover the architecture of the melody. Scalar, build on arpeggios, lots of chordtones, any specific intervals, syncopation, any repetition, sequenses?

2.     Try to write down each separate motif (sort) or phrase (longer), starting on different starting notes (now you are transposing the melody)

3.     Extra: Some licks of the song you just studied.

4.     More melodic dictations week 8





Nona series


·      Sing the rhythms with the metronome on every pulse/beat (vary the tempo)

·      Put the metronome on every other beat (1 & 3)

·      Put the metronome only on the first beat

·      Put the metronome only on beat 2/3/4

·      Put the metronome on the 1 and, 2 and, 3 and, 4 and

·      Sing the rhythms straight and in swing

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Clap the clave and sing the rhythm



The end of a love affair rhythm exercises (Use metronomeplayalong or rhythm loop)


·      Listen to different versions of the same tune and listen to the phrasing of the melody

·      Improvise another version of the same melody, starting on every beat of the bar the different phrases of the melody starts on. Snap on 2 and 4, snap on 1 and 3 or clap clave. 

·      Do the same thing beginning on the offbeats of 1, 2, 3 and 4.

·      Improvise the melody in 3/4

·      Anticipate the first note of every melody phrase

·      Delay the first note of every melody phrase

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but anticipate the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes later), play the bassline when singing this or use the  playalong  as your audio guide

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but delay the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes earlier), play the bassline when singing this

·      Sing melodies rubato and find logical phrasing, as if you were singing an intro of the song. Accompany yourself and find the spots where you can fill in with your instrument

·      Sing or Play the melody and make a logical accelerando / ritenuto. Do the same when studying scales

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Follow the conductor! Try to play the melody while a fellow student is conducting. Change places.

·      Finish melody phrase with same melodical content, but different rhythm



Week 8 (Holiday)


Week 9 (Lesson 2)



Sightsing Page 38-39 (passing tones first in steps, later in jumps)

(‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Standard of the week


• Everything happens to me (Wikipedia)


1.     Listen at least two versions of the song, including the original. For instance: Frank Sinatra with the Tommy Dorsey orchestra (Original) or Chet Baker

2.     Analyse the tune (Composer? Name the harmonic degrees, check melodic/harmony sequences, modulations)

3.     Summarize the standard in a couple of sentences;

For instance: ‘Blue Bossa is a latin  tune of 16 bars in C minor (Form: A) with one modulation a semitone up, prepared by a II-V, no pivot chord, ending with a II – V - I in the main key. 

Harmonic overview: [Cm: I - IV - II - V - I] [Db: II – V – I] 

[Cm: II – V – I]’

Everyything happens to me is ______________________________  _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4.     Listen to the melody, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

5.     Listen to the bassline, sing it and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

6.     Sing that same bassline, but now on absolute notenames

7.     Listen to the guidetone, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet. 

8.     Sing or play the guidetone while tapping clave: 

               Everything happens to me pdf, (Bb), (Eb), audiovideoplayalong

9.     Now try to play the bassline on the piano and sing the melody in the original key

10. The chords on the leadsheet are those used in the playalong version

11. Extra: sing the tune, alternating melody and bassline, like this: Everything happens to me (pdf), (Bb)(Eb),  audiovideo


chords and patterns




dictation and 


1.     Look at the  the melody and discover the architecture of the melody. Scalar, build on arpeggios, lots of chordtones, any specific intervals, syncopation, any repetition, sequenses?

2.     Try to write down each separate motif (sort) or phrase (longer), starting on different starting notes (now you are transposing the melody)

3.     Extra: Some licks of the song you just studied.

4.     More melodic dictations week 10





Everything happens to me rhythm exercises (Use metronomeplayalong or rhythm loop)


·      Listen to different versions of the same tune and listen to the phrasing of the melody

·      Improvise another version of the same melody, starting on every beat of the bar the different phrases of the melody starts on. Snap on 2 and 4, snap on 1 and 3 or clap clave. 

·      Do the same thing beginning on the offbeats of 1, 2, 3 and 4.

·      Improvise the melody in 3/4

·      Anticipate the first note of every melody phrase

·      Delay the first note of every melody phrase

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but anticipate the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes later), play the bassline when singing this or use the  playalong  as your audio guide

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but delay the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes earlier), play the bassline when singing this

·      Sing melodies rubato and find logical phrasing, as if you were singing an intro of the song. Accompany yourself and find the spots where you can fill in with your instrument

·      Sing or Play the melody and make a logical accelerando / ritenuto. Do the same when studying scales

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Follow the conductor! Try to play the melody while a fellow student is conducting. Change places.

·      Finish melody phrase with same melodical content, but different rhythm



Week 10 (Lesson 3)



Sightsing Pg. 40, (‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Choir singing: ‘Just friends’

Scat songs

Freddie the freeloader – Wes Montgomery 

Freddie the freeloader – Miles Davis


chords and patterns



dictation and 


More melodic dictations week 11





Decima series


·      Sing the rhythms with the metronome on every pulse/beat (vary the tempo)

·      Put the metronome on every other beat (1 & 3

·      Put the metronome only on the first beat

·      Put the metronome only on beat 2/3/4

·      Put the metronome on the 1 and, 2 and, 3 and, 4 and

·      Sing the rhythms straight and in swing

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Clap the clave and sing the rhythm




Week 11 (Lesson 4)  



Sightsing Recap Book 1 pg. 1-4, (‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Standard of the week


• All of me (Wikipedia)


1.     Listen at least two versions of the song, including the original. For instance: Paul Whiteman (original)

2.     Analyse the tune (Composer? Name the harmonic degrees, check melodic/harmony sequences, modulations)

3.     Summarize the standard in a couple of sentences;

For instance: ‘Blue Bossa is a latin  tune of 16 bars in C minor (Form: A) with one modulation a semitone up, prepared by a II-V, no pivot chord, ending with a II – V - I in the main key. 

Harmonic overview: [Cm: I - IV - II - V - I] [Db: II – V – I] 

[Cm: II – V – I]’

All of me  is _____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4.     Listen to the melody, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

5.     Listen to the bassline, sing it and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

6.     Sing that same bassline, but now on absolute notenames

7.     Listen to the guidetone, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

8.     Now try to play the bassline on the piano and sing the melody in the original key

9.     Sing these arpeggio etudes on All of me:

All of me, arps in 4 pdf, (C) (Bb(Eb), audiovideo

All of me, arps in 4 with anticipation, pdf (C)pdf (C) (Bb(Eb), audiovideo

10. The chords on the leadsheet are those used in the playalong version

11.   Extra: sing the tune, alternating melody and bassline, like this: All of me (pdf), (Bb), (Eb), audio, video


chords and patterns

Review : Freddie the freeloader – Wes Montgomery 

Freddie the freeloader – Miles Davis

Barry Harris scale exercise on All of me:

All of me, scales after Barry Harris, pdf (C) (Bb) (Eb)audio

video (Rhythm 1)(Rhythm 2)


dictation and 


1.     Look at the  the leadsheet  and discover the architecture of the melody. Scalar, build on arpeggios, lots of chordtones, any specific intervals, syncopation, any repetition, sequenses?

2.     Try to write down each separate motif (sort) or phrase (longer), starting on different starting notes (now you are transposing the melody)

3.     Extra: Some licks of the song you just studied.

4.     Minitest  week 12





All of me (Use metronomeplayalong or rhythm loop)


·      Listen to different versions of the same tune and listen to the phrasing of the melody

·      Improvise another version of the same melody, starting on every beat of the bar the different phrases of the melody starts on. Snap on 2 and 4, snap on 1 and 3 or clap clave. 

·      Do the same thing beginning on the offbeats of 1, 2, 3 and 4.

·      Improvise the melody in 3/4

·      Anticipate the first note of every melody phrase

·      Delay the first note of every melody phrase

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but anticipate the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes later), play the bassline when singing this or use the  playalong  as your audio guide

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but delay the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes earlier), play the bassline when singing this

·      Sing melodies rubato and find logical phrasing, as if you were singing an intro of the song. Accompany yourself and find the spots where you can fill in with your instrument

·      Sing or Play the melody and make a logical accelerando / ritenuto. Do the same when studying scales

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Follow the conductor! Try to play the melody while a fellow student is conducting. Change places.

·      Finish melody phrase with same melodical content, but different rhythm



Week 12 (Lesson 5)



Recap Book 1

Page 5-6

(‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Choir singing: ‘My shining hour’

Scat songs

Review 2: ‘last train home’ - Pat Metheny

Also available on Moodle with Leon Mennen


chords and patterns



dictation and 


More melodic dictations week 13





Decima Primeira serie


·      Sing the rhythms with the metronome on every pulse/beat (vary the tempo)

·      Put the metronome on every other beat (1 & 3

·      Put the metronome only on the first beat

·      Put the metronome only on beat 2/3/4

·      Put the metronome on the 1 and, 2 and, 3 and, 4 and

·      Sing the rhythms straight and in swing

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Clap the clave and sing the rhythm




Week 13 (Lesson 6)



Recap Book 1, Page 7-8

(‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Standard of the week


• Black Orpheus (Wikipedia)


1.     Listen at least two versions of the song, including the original. For instance: Luis Bonfa (original)

2.     Analyse the tune (Composer? Name the harmonic degrees, check melodic/harmony sequences, modulations)

3.     Summarize the standard in a couple of sentences;

For instance: ‘Blue Bossa is a latin  tune of 16 bars in C minor (Form: A) with one modulation a semitone up, prepared by a II-V, no pivot chord, ending with a II – V - I in the main key. 

Harmonic overview: [Cm: I - IV - II - V - I] [Db: II – V – I] 

[Cm: II – V – I]’

Black orpheus is_________________________________________  _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4.     Listen to the melody, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

5.     Listen to the bassline and melody, only bass, sing it and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

6.     Sing that same bassline, but now on absolute notenames

7.     Listen to the guidetone, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

8.     Now try to play the bassline on the piano and sing the melody in the original key

9.     The chords on the leadsheet are those used in the playalong version

10.   Some line exercises:

Screenshot 2024-10-04 at 14.26.27.png


chords and patterns



dictation and 


1.     Look at the leadsheet and discover the architecture of the melody. Scalar, build on arpeggios, lots of chordtones, any specific intervals, syncopation, any repetition, sequenses?

2.     Try to write down each separate motif (sort) or phrase (longer), starting on different starting notes (now you are transposing the melody)

3.     Extra: Some licks of the song you just studied.

4.     More melodic dictations week 14





Black Orpheus  (Use metronome playalong or rhythm loop)


·      Listen to different versions of the same tune and listen to the phrasing of the melody

·      Improvise another version of the same melody, starting on every beat of the bar the different phrases of the melody starts on. Snap on 2 and 4, snap on 1 and 3 or clap clave. 

·      Do the same thing beginning on the offbeats of 1, 2, 3 and 4.

·      Improvise the melody in 3/4

·      Anticipate the first note of every melody phrase

·      Delay the first note of every melody phrase

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but anticipate the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes later), play the bassline when singing this or use the  playalong  as your audio guide

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but delay the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes earlier), play the bassline when singing this

·      Sing melodies rubato and find logical phrasing, as if you were singing an intro of the song. Accompany yourself and find the spots where you can fill in with your instrument

·      Sing or Play the melody and make a logical accelerando / ritenuto. Do the same when studying scales

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Follow the conductor! Try to play the melody while a fellow student is conducting. Change places.

·      Finish melody phrase with same melodical content, but different rhythm


Week 14 (Lesson 7)



Recap Book 1, Page 9-10 (‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Choir singing: ‘In a sentimental mood’

Scat songs

Review 2: Freddie the freeloader – Wes Montgomery 

Freddie the freeloader – Miles Davis


chords and patterns



dictation and 


More melodic dictations week 15





Decima segunda series


·      Sing the rhythms with the metronome on every pulse/beat (vary the tempo)

·      Put the metronome on every other beat (1 & 3

·      Put the metronome only on the first beat

·      Put the metronome only on beat 2/3/4

·      Put the metronome on the 1 and, 2 and, 3 and, 4 and

·      Sing the rhythms straight and in swing

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Clap the clave and sing the rhythm





Week 15 (Lesson 8)



Recap Book 1, Page 11-12 (‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Standard of the week


Here’s that rainy day (Wikipedia)


1.     Listen at least two versions of the song, including the original. For instance: Dolores Gray (original) or the Stan Getz version

2.     Analyse the tune (Composer? Name the harmonic degrees, check melodic/harmony sequences, modulations)

3.     Summarize the standard in a couple of sentences;

For instance: ‘Blue Bossa is a latin  tune of 16 bars in C minor (Form: A) with one modulation a semitone up, prepared by a II-V, no pivot chord, ending with a II – V - I in the main key. 

Harmonic overview: [Cm: I - IV - II - V - I] [Db: II – V – I] 

[Cm: II – V – I]’

Here’s that rainy day is ___________________________________  _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4.     Listen to the melody,, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

5.     Listen to the bassline, sing it and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

6.     Sing that same bassline, but now on absolute notenames

7.     Listen to the guidetone, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

8.     Now try to play the bassline on the piano and sing the melody in the original key

9.     The chords on the leadsheet are those used in the playalong version

10.   Some line exercises:

Screenshot 2024-10-04 at 14.35.41.png


chords and patterns



dictation and 


1.     Look at the the leadsheet  and discover the architecture of the melody. Scalar, build on arpeggios, lots of chordtones, any specific intervals, syncopation, any repetition, sequenses?

2.     Try to write down each separate motif (sort) or phrase (longer), starting on different starting notes (now you are transposing the melody)

3.     Extra: Some licks of the song you just studied.

4.     More melodic dictations week 16





Here’s that rainy day  (Use metronomeplayalong or rhythm loop)


·      Listen to different versions of the same tune and listen to the phrasing of the melody

·      Improvise another version of the same melody, starting on every beat of the bar the different phrases of the melody starts on. Snap on 2 and 4, snap on 1 and 3 or clap clave. 

·      Do the same thing beginning on the offbeats of 1, 2, 3 and 4.

·      Improvise the melody in 3/4

·      Anticipate the first note of every melody phrase

·      Delay the first note of every melody phrase

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but anticipate the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes later), play the bassline when singing this or use the  playalong  as your audio guide

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but delay the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes earlier), play the bassline when singing this

·      Sing melodies rubato and find logical phrasing, as if you were singing an intro of the song. Accompany yourself and find the spots where you can fill in with your instrument

·      Sing or Play the melody and make a logical accelerando / ritenuto. Do the same when studying scales

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Follow the conductor! Try to play the melody while a fellow student is conducting. Change places.

·      Finish melody phrase with same melodical content, but different rhythm



Week 16 (Lesson 9) 



Recap Book 1, Page 13-14 (‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Choir singing: ‘When sunny gets blue’


chords and patterns



dictation and 


More melodic melodic dictations week 17





Decima Terceira serie


·      Sing the rhythms with the metronome on every pulse/beat (vary the tempo)

·      Put the metronome on every other beat (1 & 3

·      Put the metronome only on the first beat

·      Put the metronome only on beat 2/3/4

·      Put the metronome on the 1 and, 2 and, 3 and, 4 and

·      Sing the rhythms straight and in swing

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Clap the clave and sing the rhythm




Week 17 (Lesson 10) 



Recap Book 1, Page 15-16 (‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Standard of the week


How insensitive (Wikipedia)


1.     Listen at least two versions of the song, including the original. For instance: Antonio Carlos Jobim

2.     Analyse the tune (Composer? Name the harmonic degrees, check melodic/harmony sequences, modulations)

3.     Summarize the standard in a couple of sentences;

For instance: ‘Blue Bossa is a latin  tune of 16 bars in C minor (Form: A) with one modulation a semitone up, prepared by a II-V, no pivot chord, ending with a II – V - I in the main key. 

Harmonic overview: [Cm: I - IV - II - V - I] [Db: II – V – I] 

[Cm: II – V – I]’

How insensitive  is _______________________________________  _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4.     Listen to the melody, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

5.     Listen to the bassline, sing it and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

6.     Sing that same bassline, but now on absolute notenames

7.     Listen to guidetone 1  and guidetone 2, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

8.     Now try to play the bassline on the piano and sing the melody in the original key

9.     The chords on the leadsheet are those used in the playalong version

10. Extra: sing the tune, alternating melody and bassline, like this:


chords and patterns



dictation and 


1.     Look at the  the leadsheet   and discover the architecture of the melody. Scalar, build on arpeggios, lots of chordtones, any specific intervals, syncopation, any repetition, sequenses?

2.     Try to write down each separate motif (sort) or phrase (longer), starting on different starting notes (now you are transposing the melody)

3.     Extra: Some licks of the song you just studied.

4.     More melodic dictations week 19





How insensitive  (Use metronomeplayalong or rhythm loop)


·      Listen to different versions of the same tune and listen to the phrasing of the melody

·      Improvise another version of the same melody, starting on every beat of the bar the different phrases of the melody starts on. Snap on 2 and 4, snap on 1 and 3 or clap clave. 

·      Do the same thing beginning on the offbeats of 1, 2, 3 and 4.

·      Improvise the melody in 3/4

·      Anticipate the first note of every melody phrase

·      Delay the first note of every melody phrase

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but anticipate the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes later), play the bassline when singing this or use the  playalong  as your audio guide

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but delay the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes earlier), play the bassline when singing this

·      Sing melodies rubato and find logical phrasing, as if you were singing an intro of the song. Accompany yourself and find the spots where you can fill in with your instrument

·      Sing or Play the melody and make a logical accelerando / ritenuto. Do the same when studying scales

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Follow the conductor! Try to play the melody while a fellow student is conducting. Change places.

·      Finish melody phrase with same melodical content, but different rhythm


Week 18 (Holiday)



Week 19 (Lesson 11)



Recap Book 1, Page 17-19 (‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Choir singing: ‘Chelsea’


chords and patterns



dictation and 







Decima Quarta serie


·      Sing the rhythms with the metronome on every pulse/beat (vary the tempo)

·      Put the metronome on every other beat (1 & 3

·      Put the metronome only on the first beat

·      Put the metronome only on beat 2/3/4

·      Put the metronome on the 1 and, 2 and, 3 and, 4 and

·      Sing the rhythms straight and in swing

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Clap the clave and sing the rhythm






Week 20 (Lesson 12)



Recap Book 1, Page 20-22 (‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Standard of the week


• Like someone in love (Wikipedia)


1.     Listen at least two versions of the song, including the original. For instance: Chet Baker’s version Bjork or Rob van Bavel

2.     Analyse the tune (Composer? Name the harmonic degrees, check melodic/harmony sequences, modulations)

3.     Summarize the standard in a couple of sentences;

For instance: ‘Blue Bossa is a latin  tune of 16 bars in C minor (Form: A) with one modulation a semitone up, prepared by a II-V, no pivot chord, ending with a II – V - I in the main key. 

Harmonic overview: [Cm: I - IV - II - V - I] [Db: II – V – I] 

[Cm: II – V – I]’

Like someone in love  is____________________________________ _______________________________________________________  _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4.     Listen to the melody, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

5.     Listen to the bassline, sing it and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

6.     Sing that same bassline, but now on absolute notenames

7.     Listen to the guidetone, sing it  and learn it by heart without looking at the leadsheet

8.     Now try to play the bassline on the piano and sing the melody in the original key

9.     The chords on the leadsheet are those used in the playalong version

10    Some extra line exercises:

Screenshot 2024-10-04 at 14.43.12.png



chords and patterns



dictation and 


1.     Look at the  the melody and discover the architecture of the melody. Scalar, build on arpeggios, lots of chordtones, any specific intervals, syncopation, any repetition, sequenses?

2.     Try to write down each separate motif (sort) or phrase (longer), starting on different starting notes (now you are transposing the melody)

3.     Extra: Some licks of the song you just studied.

4.     More melodic dictations week 21





Like someone in love  (Use metronomeplayalong or rhythm loop)


·      Listen to different versions of the same tune and listen to the phrasing of the melody

·      Improvise another version of the same melody, starting on every beat of the bar the different phrases of the melody starts on. Snap on 2 and 4, snap on 1 and 3 or clap clave. 

·      Do the same thing beginning on the offbeats of 1, 2, 3 and 4.

·      Improvise the melody in 3/4

·      Anticipate the first note of every melody phrase

·      Delay the first note of every melody phrase

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but anticipate the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes later), play the bassline when singing this or use the  playalong  as your audio guide

·      Start the melody on the original starting point but delay the end of the phrase. (harmonic resolution comes earlier), play the bassline when singing this

·      Sing melodies rubato and find logical phrasing, as if you were singing an intro of the song. Accompany yourself and find the spots where you can fill in with your instrument

·      Sing or Play the melody and make a logical accelerando / ritenuto. Do the same when studying scales

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Follow the conductor! Try to play the melody while a fellow student is conducting. Change places.

·      Finish melody phrase with same melodical content, but different rhythm



Week 21 (Lesson 13)



Recap Book 1, Page 23-24 (‘Traplopen en Springstof’)

Choir singing: ‘Triste’


chords and patterns



dictation and 







Decima Quinta



·      Sing the rhythms with the metronome on every pulse/beat (vary the tempo)

·      Put the metronome on every other beat (1 & 3

·      Put the metronome only on the first beat

·      Put the metronome only on beat 2/3/4

·      Put the metronome on the 1 and, 2 and, 3 and, 4 and

·      Sing the rhythms straight and in swing

·      Conduct while singing the exercises (conducting patterns at the bottom of the reader)

·      Clap the clave and sing the rhythm




Week 22 (Lesson 14, recap material of semester 2)

Week 23 (Lesson 15, recap material of semester 2)

Week 24 (Re-exam Harmony and Analysis Semester 1)



 Week 25 (Examweek 1, Artusi test )


Exam Topics in Artusi drills to study:


  1. Interval eartraining level 1-15 (intervals)

  2. Scale pitch patterns level 1-7 (scales)

  3. Chord identification level 6-10 (chords)

  4. Chord inversion identification level 1-6 (chords)

  5. Chord inversion eartraining level 1-5 (chords)

  6. Identifying wrong notes in a melody level 1-3 (melody)

  7. Scale identification by ear level 1-14 (scales)

  8. Rhythmic dictation level 1-11 (Rhythmic Dictation (MacGAMUT)

Goal is to speed up your theoratical skills based on the Artusi course

‘Fundamentals in music’.

Exam will be in a strict time frame



Week 26 (Examweek 2, individual solfege exam)


Playing / singing the 'Standard of the week'  (SOTW)


List of standards for semester 1:

  • The end of a love affair

  • Everything happens to me

  • All of me

  • Black orpheus

  • Here’s that rainy day

  • How insensitive

  • Like someone in love


The student must be able to:

  • Sing the melody of all standards of semester 1 by heart 

  • Sing the melody of standards of semester 1 of your own choice by heart while playing the bassline on your instrument, in a steady tempo, no hickups (on piano or guitar), all 3 will be checked!

  • Play the shell chordvoicings (3 or 4 voices) with the root in the lefthand and 3 and 7 (and an optional 3rdnote extra in the righthand), (respect common tones) of standard of semester 2 of your own choice by heart in one steady tempo (on piano or guitar)

Optional: move one of the righthand fingers to make a small figuration, creating anticipation, suspension, delay (teachers will be very excited)


             The student must be able to sing all  the scales and modes up and down,

             visualize piano!, sing in tune. Check Modal patterns


  • The student must be able to sing major, minor, diminished and augmented triads from every step in the major and minor scales 

  • The student must be able to sing all the triads of the major and minor scales in root position and inversion, with every possible permutation (1,3,5 - 1,5,3 - 5,1,3 etc.......)

            Check Triadic patterns

  • The student brings the reharmonisation of ‘[Silent Night’ and the piano voicings of ‘Everything happens to me’ and plays it on the exam (speed is not important)


Rhythm (general)

  • The student must be able to sing the rhythms of the series 9-15 (Nona - Decima quinta series of the 'Pozzoli book') (Exact exam pages will be announced)


  • Sing the rhythms with the metronome on every pulse/beat (vary the tempo)

  • Put the metronome on every other beat (1 & 3)

  • Put the metronome only on the first beat

  • Put the metronome only on beat 2/3/4

  • Put the metronome on the 1 and, 2 and, 3 and, 4 and

  • Sing the rhythms straight and in swing


Rhythm exercises with standards

Requirements (only Jazzstudents):





The student must be able to sing exercises from 'Traplopen en Springstof' part 1 (page 1-40)

(The exact pages will be announced before the exam)



Week 27 (Osiris week, no lessons)







Conducting patterns:     



Conducting patterns 1


Conducting patterns 2.png





Conducting patterns 3.png




 Conducting pattern 4.png